Monday, October 27, 2008


Every Monday morning is like the beginning of 7th grade.

"This time," I vow, "I'm going to keep organized. I'm going to get my work done on time, know where everything is and really stay on top of things."

By Wednesday, my Trapper Keeper is spilling its contents all over the place, my assignments are strewn about my room and my pencil box has emptied itself into the bottom of my backpack.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Published!!

Read, purchase, support. Write.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Laundry List

September 12th: Awoke with bad knot in back, pain in neck and unable to move head.

September 15th: Knot still there. Shoulder begins to feel fatigued and achy.

September 16th: Knot still there. Unable to rest shoulder comfortably.

September 18th: Knot still there. Thumb and forefinger of Right hand begin to tingle and go numb.

October 1st: Knot still there. Epidural Steroid shot to C5 nerve.

October 7th: Knot still there. Fingers still tingling. Steroid shot ineffective. Lower back pain returned.

October 13th: Knot still there. Fingers still tingling. Rear-ended by a Semi. Muscles in back and hips seize.

October 18th: Knot still there. Fingers still tingling. Admitted into Emergency Room at Kaiser for Kidney Stones.

October 23rd: Knot still there. Fingers still tingling. Checking sky for falling anvils.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

9:15 AM

There are two tall candles with pictures of saints on the curb. There is a black, plastic bag lying where her head was. There are two men in paint-covered clothes, laughing, waiting to cross the street where her body hit the windshield.

The windshield was shattered. The frame was dented. The man they were handcuffing looked calm. I thought I saw him curse at the officer. They stood next to the men who were crouching by the woman, pumping her chest. She didn't move. They pumped over and over. She didn't move.

Her shoes were off. I wondered if they came off as she flew off the hood of the car. I wondered if the men took them off her. I wondered why they would need to take her shoes off.

They lifted her on to the stretcher. Her stomach was exposed as her t-shirt slid up. I wondered if she had put thought into what she would wear. I wondered here she was going. I wondered about the people who needed to be called.

I thought about that very first moment on the phone. When they ask for her loved one and identify themselves and the person on the other end enters into a world that begins with panic and ends somewhere else very far away.

In that very first moment the blood rushes to your ears. Every part of your body pulls in. When thought returns, decisions need to be made. What do you need to do? What do you need to bring? Who will be there? Who should you call? How quickly can you get there? If she is alive, for how long will she be? If she is dead, how long has she been? What were you doing at that moment?

Molly saw a dead cat on 13th street. She walked by the spot every day. I don't know if that was supposed to remind her, or to help her forget.

I wonder how many times it will take me walking by to forget her blood-covered face.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just to get it "straight". . .

“And I just said to you earlier, town hall meeting after town hall meeting, parents come with kids, children — precious children who have autism. Sarah Palin knows about that better than most. And we’ll find and we’ll spend the money, research, to find the cause of autism. And we’ll care for these young children. And all Americans will open their wallets and their hearts to do so.” (Sen. John McCain)

As my father would say, "Let's examine this."

Firstly, Sarah Palin's precious child has Down Syndrome, not Autism. So, how does this mean "she knows about (Autism) better than most"?

Secondly, how does Mr. McCain intend on spending money on research if he's going to institute a complete spending freeze? And wasn't it him who said, "You can't just throw money at a problem"?

Thirdly, you'll care for those young children, but not the millions of other children this country ignores by not providing proper health care or education (not to mention support to parents in need)?

And lastly, you want us to open our wallets for this, whereas opening our wallets to help our fellow citizens get health care, bolster our crumbling economy, build better infrastructure, or help the hungry eat would be Communism?

It just doesn't make much sense, does it?