Monday, August 25, 2008

Am I missing something?

In today's Los Angeles Times is an article about George Damaa, a California man who killed 3 people in a car accident (one of which being his girlfriend). He suffered from "post-concussion syndrome, which affected his memory and changed his personality." He could not remember the accident, nor could police put together strong evidence that Damaa was at fault. He was found guilty of several misdemeanors despite the lack of evidence. He has been unable to work since his release from prison. His psychiatrist, Dr. J. Victor Monke is quoted as saying, "It remains a mystery why he can't let it go."

Now, I may not know too much. I don't even have my B.A. and the Psychology courses I've taken have largely been undergraduate level. But even with my cursory knowledge of the human psyche and trauma I can say, fairly confidently, that Mr. Damaa's inability to "let go" of his own involuntary murder of his girlfriend and two other innocent people, followed by amnesia, a crappy trial and spending 2 years in prison is hardly a mystery. I mean, come on. That one is fairly clear-cut, wouldn't you say?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Amuse Bouche

I am forging a new relationship with my brain.

Many cats are assholes.

I am happier when I don't listen to public radio incessantly.

My mother listened to public radio incessantly.

My mother was not very happy.

It's time to take all the Ringo Starr songs off my iPod.

Puking, while excellent for the figure is not a very pleasant reaction to stress.

All men between the ages of 27 and 35 love Batman.

Most of life is covering for other's ineptitudes.

Just this moment I realized that Jim Dine used spray paint to make "Look at".

I sometimes wonder what men with small genitals think about on first dates.

It is extremely freeing when you realize that the people whose opinion you have been relying on are not people whose opinions you value.

My assertion that people should not marry before 30 can be backed up by hard science.

Sometimes family is best 3000 miles away.

When I was young I liked boys who looked like girls. Now I like men who are very masculine. And women who look like boys.

In defense of models everywhere, it's very difficult to learn things on an empty stomach.

People who laugh at the end of every sentence make me nervous.

Looking back, I think getting fired from a "psychic" phone service and a pole dancing studio in the span of one year is actually an accomplishment.

I sincerely hope my fellow Americans will seek to redeem themselves this November.

Why buy a brand new drafting table for hundreds of dollars when you can get one for 35 bucks from a tweaker in Sherman Oaks?

When I think of my womb I imagine the theme from "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" and tumbleweed blowing by.

Forgiveness does not equal reconciliation.

My apology does not depend on your forgiveness.

I could have done without about 98% of the men I have had sex with in my life.

Do not turn on red when the signs says "Do Not Turn on Red"; There is a cop across the intersection.

If you have a boyfriend who buys you a Carvel cake on an ordinary Tuesday night because you asked him to, hold on to him as tightly as you can.